Here you’ll be able to pick up all your missing gear (Leon will swap out the knives and gear you picked up in case your inventory was full, so you’ll have to pick them up again). Keep turning the crank to open up the far door you passed earlier, and then quickly sprint back down the previous room and vault the wall to reach the door before it closes, and crouch under. Past the enemy is another room with a large exit door to the left, but first you should direct your attention to the right where your gear is located just past a small door with a crank wheel.

If you move fast, you can vault over the low wall while crouched to sneak up and take him out, or you can try engaging him head on and parry his charging attack with his pitchfork - it’s your call.

In the next room, you should spot a Villager stalking up and down a hall with a broken wall.